Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
SpeedTools API Validation Utilities Support for DTOs (data transfer objects ) in your API with support for specific API parameter validation (if you don't wish to use the JSR one).
SpeedTools Core Utilities Consists of a lot of handy classes and utilities for your main Java application, like buffers, checksum calculations, locale handling, time conversion and more.
SpeedTools Geo Utilities Contains a set of geometry (and geographical) classes, which work with any latitude and longitude, without glitches around the poles or Fiji.
SpeedTools Guice Utilities Extended support for Google Guice and property file handling.
SpeedTools JSON Utilities JSON reading/writing support, as well as a standard implementation for `toString()` which produces parseable log output.
SpeedTools LBS Services Connectors to web services.
SpeedTools Metrics Utilities Provides easy interfaces for external LBS services, like mapping, geocoding and routing.
SpeedTools MongoDB Utilities Contains MongoDB specific classes that will handle schema migration in MongoDB databases and a superfast "event tracer" system, based on MongoDB.
SpeedTools Push Notifications Services Provides generic interfaces for the iOS APNS and Android GCM push notification services to send notifications to mobile phones.
SpeedTools Shared Resources Resources for project SpeedTools.
SpeedTools REST API Framework Consists of utilities to create reliable, scalable RestEasy REST APIs using the Akka framework to process incoming requests.
SpeedTools SMS Services Provides interfaces for SMS services, with implementations for MessageBird and Nexmo, to send text messages to mobile phones.
SpeedTools Test Utilities Contains utilities, like mocks, which make it easier to create Java unit tests.
SpeedTools Tracer Utilities Contains utilities to allow tracing (recording) application events asynchronously to a database. An implementation for MongoDB as a backing store is provided.